This logo represents the way the students of Gymnasia 6 see the Year of English in our educational institution. 2016 is the year of the monkey according the Chinese calendar that is why the main character is this ape. This animals is wearing shorts that have the colours of the Romanian flag, is holding the national flag of Ukraine in the right hand and a French one in the left as it is studied as the second foreign language in our gymnasia. The T-shirt that this character is wearing has a British flag on it and it is the language that is close to our hearts. It was created by two tenth-formers of our Gymnasia Semida Slavnic and Belous Cristina.
За результатами конкурсу цей логотип було обрано представляти гімназію № 6 впродовж року англійської мови Україні. Авторами є учениці 10 класу Славнік Семіда і Белоус Крістіна.